Diane Hewson, a 2018 Class Member of the “Leaders in the Law,” will present on April 26th at:
Core Concepts Track:
Dissecting the No-Fault Claims File
Not sure what the claims file consists of? This segment is for you. Understand the puzzle that is the claims file and where each piece fits. Pinpoint what documents establish A) an accident happened; B) injuries arose from that accident; C) the treatment provided was necessary; and D) the services billed for were reasonable and customary.
Diane L. Hewson, Hewson & Van Hellemont PC, Oak Park
Jennifer Humphrey, LPCS, Claims General Adjuster
Jim Hewson presents on Friday April 27th at:
Medical-Legal Track:
Part 2: Medical Testimony Legal Controversies—Neuropsychology and Other Brain Injury Proofs
Neuropsychologists are often called to evaluate the level, effects, and existence or absence of an alleged traumatic brain injury, and to supply testimony explaining that evaluation. A neurological assessment may be subject to challenge in a variety of ways, by both plaintiffs and defense. In addition, neuropsychological assessment is but one of a number of methods to establish or challenge the TBI diagnosis. Be front and center for the debate as competing experts and plaintiff and defense litigators analyze neuropsychological assessment, medical testimony, and other proofs in this area. Take away key cross-examination strategies and novel approaches for establishing your proofs.
Robin A. Hanks, PhD, ABPP, Detroit Medical Center – Rehabilitation Institute, Detroit
James F. Hewson, Hewson & Van Hellemont PC, Oak Park
Wayne J. Miller, Miller & Tischler PC, Farmington Hills
Owen Z. Perlman, MD, Associates in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation PC, Ypsilanti
For more information on the seminar go to: http://www.icle.org/modules/store/seminars/schedule.aspx?PRODUCT_CODE=2018C16310