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Ian Hickman, featured attorney

Featured Attorney Archives

A brief background:

Where are you from? Who/what were key influences in your life related to the work you’re doing now – why did you become an attorney?

I grew up in West Bloomfield, Michigan, and attended Brother Rice High School. I obtained my undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan, where I focused my studies on American constitutional law and the intersection of law and economics. During this time, I developed dual interests in both law and business. Prior to attending law school, I worked for a multinational steel corporation in the areas of finance and information technology. After obtaining some valuable professional experience, I decided that my passion was really on the legal side, which led me to apply to law school. After graduating from the University of Michigan, I enrolled at Wayne State University Law School where I continued my studies in law and business. During law school, I was heavily involved in Wayne State’s Mock Trial program as well as the Transactional Business Law Competition.

Being an attorney:

What most excites you about your work and the contribution you can make?

I was involved in a lawsuit in high school that stemmed from a minor motor vehicle accident. The whole process was frustrating and a little frightening. At the time, I wished that my attorney had been more available to answer my numerous questions and ease my concerns. I have tried to model my advocacy based on the attorney I wish I had.

I also enjoy the competitive nature of litigation. That competitiveness pushes me to always work harder, hone my skills, and try to become a better attorney.

In addition, No-Fault insurance in an especially salient issue in Michigan. I am excited that I am involved in an area of law that has a direct impact on the lives of the people of Michigan.

What has surprised you about the legal profession?

The astonishing lack of technological proficiency amongst lawyers. It always shocks me that the legal profession is technologically so far behind many other professions.


What might someone be surprised to know about you?

I really enjoy barbecuing. In my free time, you will likely find me hovering over a grill covered in charcoal and reeking of wood smoke.

What would be impossible for you to give up?

College football – Go Blue!